Getting to Know the Western Early Keyboard Association
Today, we will hone in on the Portland area, with the Western Early Keyboard Association (WEKA). WEKA features events by pianoforte, organ, clavichord, and harpsichord enthusiasts. No matter if you’re a professional or a beginner, WEKA always looks to create more information about these instruments and provide keyboard concerts. To learn more about WEKA, I interviewed the president of the organization, Lynn Hanson.
WEKA’s website can be found at
By: Alexi Caruso in conjunction with Anna Smith
WEKA has provided concerts since 1998. What do you think has led to your success?
“The Western Early Keyboard Association began as one of the three regional membership organizations in the US which held annual conferences for those who study, teach, build and play early keyboard instruments. In 1998, WEKA originated in Berkeley, in 2009 the leadership of WEKA was transferred to members in Seattle, and in 2015, WEKA leadership was transferred to members in Portland. Now in Portland, WEKA focuses on holding local concerts and workshops, which are shared beyond the Portland area via our YouTube channel.”
Tell us a little more about the people who love WEKA and why?
“WEKA members and friends are interested in the keyboard instruments which were used in the years prior to the modern piano — the clavichord, harpsichord and fortepiano — during the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical eras of music history. WEKA members and friends include teachers, performers and students, as well as instrument builders, both professionals and amateurs, and those who love to hear these instruments.”
Next, we discussed WEKA’s growth for this year.
WEKA clearly developed such a loyal following for their concerts. In which ways are you excited to see their work grow this year?
“WEKA is eager to invite more members and friends in the Portland area to enjoy our live events. Two groups who may not yet be aware of our events include those who are interested in early music, such as those who follow the wonderful Portland Baroque Orchestra (, and those who are interested in piano music.”
Can you give us an example of composers presented by WEKA that you think are particularly impactful? What makes you feel that way?
“The well-loved composers, Bach, Scarlatti, Handel and even Mozart and Haydn, played on these early keyboard instruments. Hearing their music on the instruments of their time can bring the music alive in a new way.”
Then, we talked about WEKA’s performances.
Can you give us an example of a recent performance from WEKA that you think is particularly meaningful? Why do you think it resonates with you and/or your audience that way?
“WEKA’s concert on September 16, 2023 is an especially good example of bringing old music alive in a new way. The concert featured music by JS Bach, by his son CPE Bach, and by Scarlatti played on a copy of a 1749 fortepiano of the sort known by these composers. The instrument’s beautiful tone brought a new and lively experience to this familiar music.”
Lastly, we discussed how LMP and WEKA have worked together
WEKA and LMP have goals that match up similarly. Are there any benefits you’ve experienced by sharing your concerts on the LMP Concert Calendar?
“WEKA is so proud of the work of the Live Music Project in making the performing arts more accessible! WEKA similarly hopes to make its offerings more accessible to more people, because experiencing the arts always enhances life. We at WEKA are happy to see our events made known to a wider audience thanks to the dedication of LMP.”
With that, WEKA has been able to provide information about early keyboard instruments to the world, and has used LMP’s website to do so. Make sure to check out our website for concerts by WEKA today!
LMP’s Concert Calendar for the Portland area can be reached at